The 1st English Reading Club in La Coruna was a success...Lets make an even better 2nd season!!! WELLCOME TO OUR CLUB!!! The English Reading Club is an innitiative that has been set up by the Miguel Gonzalez Garces library in La Coruña‎. This Blog shall allow all particpants (and others) to discuss the ideas discussed in the club in their own time. I welcome all suggestions, points of views and thoughts that will help mould the shape for the future of the The First English Reading Club in A Coruña.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don't worry if the discussion has already begun, you may still join in whenever you wish

Don't worry if the discussion has already begun, you may still join in whenever you wish!!!
or ..............Start a new discussion!!!   ;)


  1. iT´S no use PUSHING the door if it says "Pull" !!! ;)

  2. Another thing...about the book.

    I consider its a pitty we are not speaking more about the book.
    Its a reading club!!so go on the read of the book.
    i think there is plenty of interesting topics that could come up from the reading.

    I give some advices: -People can read at home 1,2 or 3 chapters and bring some doubts about vocabulary to share whitin the group and make clear togheter.
    -Also each one people can think about the reading and try to share some observations about the characters, their relationships,the meaning of the social background that its reflected in the story, the way of writting,

    Ok, thats all for today. please think about it

  3. Hello,
    Jessica, I forgot that i had a conference yesterday at 7.30,and it is the reason i left the class.
    What have you done yesterday?
    I would like to speak about the video we saw yesterday. Personally, I think there are to much videos and books like this one , but I don´t like too much this kind of items.

  4. Hello everyone. I just want to drop a line about our mettings.
    First of all, last session I get anxious with the video and felt blocked to go on the chat.

    -I consider its not a good idea to go over not matter whatever subject at each session. In that way, each one can bring a video that you don’t feel interested on it, and it’s a very much kind of imposition when you are forced to watched it for one hour long.

    -Avoid some of the people leading the chat just because he is taking the floor all the time. Thats why is important have some points to go over and give everyone the chance to speak out. Maybe it’s a matter of good manners but some of the people are showing they don’t care about what the others have to say.

    -Every single one should have the same time to speak out. For me its very important the dialogue was organised by Jessica, and Please!!avoid some people yelling!!we all should put our hands up instead of the voice.

    That’s all for now. Take it in the right way everyone!!

  5. Hello everybody,

    I would like to know if next 7th there will be reading club becouse the other day we forgot to decided.

    Also I would like to let you know I enjoyed the last session a lot. I think is very enriching to have the opportunity of learning about all kinds of topics even if you don´t like them too much and make the most of the differece thoughts of all us,as we are such a heterogeneous group.

    Have a good weekend and be happy, and remenber, All you need is love!!! so

    Love for all of you!!!!!

  6. hello hello hello :)

    YES!!! ;)

    We will be meeting again on Tuesday 7th!!!

    :) I am completely agree with you :)

    Love Love Love & Love love love

  7. Hello hellooooooooooooooooooo :)

    Thanks for letting me know about your conference, I get a bit scared when I realize you weren´t there :)

    Last session we watch the video Overcoming Fear (Full Confidence) With the Power of Love, de Verónica de Andrés.

    There is a link in our blog, for you to watch it ….someday, any day ;)

    I really recommend it.
    It touches you; it is a message that touches you deeply!!!
    I believe everyone should watch this movie,
    I feel identified with many things…It is very useful for our daily lives…


    Thanks a lot to Ángela, our college, for sharing it with all of us.

    From fear to Love!!!
    Always ;)

  8. hello hello ;) :) :) :)
    The Reading club is a DIVERSE and DYNAMIC session, consisting of Literature, Music, History, Science and Culture...

    All members are welcome to share within the group and discuss any topic they consider relevant. At any time…

    This is everybody´s Club, I am just the coordinator.

    I really appreciate your comments and recommendations, and I will take some of them on board.

    Today we will be having a two hour reading session. I will be reading the Color Purple and discussing it afterwards.

    I hope this makes you happy :)

    Today´s session will be about your recommendation :)

    Loads of kisses


  9. Hello Jessica. i am not coming todays session because the job. but i really apreciate your comment. i will be there next week.
    what i share in my comments its just because i really think its for make the best for everyone of our mettings.and i have to say i convivnced of it because its how things go right whiting a group of people, and of course i am not banning anyone from participate,but the time should be for the goals of the team,
    theres no sense speaking of no matters the issue. anyway, i got nervous when some people speak the most of time and anothers dont feel helped to speak, there are more people in the group that they probably need some help to feel more confidence to speak, but sometimes its really hard in our chat.take it as a good advice!!. i know you loving person. thanks for all.

  10. thank you Nacho!!! ;) you too :)
    In the last session we have been reading “The Color Purple” till page 33 and we all agreed to read till page 90 at leisure time…
    We will be speaking about it in the next session and we will be also reading a lot more ;)
    I hope to see you there :)
    Loads of kisses


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