Array Colección, formación, formar, organizar, adornar…
Arrow Flecha
Barn Granero, establo, cobertizo
beads Collar, Rosario, cuentas..
Belch/burp Eructo, eructar
Beyond Más allá de, fuera de, más de…
Billfold Cartera
Blink/She never blinked an eye/no cerró un ojo Parpadeo, destello, pestañear, guiñar..
Bloomers/woman underwear Pololos, pantalones bombachos
Blurt out/I blurt out Dejar escapar
Bolt Perno, tornillo, cerrojo, echar el cerrojo, abandonar
Boots Botas
Bow Arco, incinarse
Broom Escoba, barrer
Bug/ big bug eyes Error, chinche, molestia, microbio
Bury/buried enterrar, sepultar, ocultar
But it sound:Fine Pintaba bien, sonaba bien
Cackle Cacareo, risotada
Chariot Carro
Chases us Nos persigue
Chewing Masticando
Chuckle Risita, risa sofocada, reirse entre dientes...
Clabber Hacer leche, leche
Claws Garras
Clerk Secretario, empleado, oficinista…
Climb Subir, escalar
Comb/the girls hair havent been comb Peine, peineta..
Cookstove Zona para cocinar
Corner Rincón, esquina, acordonar..
Counter Contador, mostrador
Crackers Galletas
Cracks Grietas
Crease Pliegue, arruga
Creek Arroyo, riachuelo, cala…
Crib/Home/there is a MTV SHOW called Cribs: shows famous people houses Crib:cuna, cama pequeña
Crook/elbow crook ladrón, estafador, doblarse
Cuss/swear Maldecir
Cymbals Platillos
Darning/ Darn Zurcir/zurcido, maldito
Dote/ Nettie dote on Miss Beasley/You dote on your baby Adorar
Draft/caught in the draft/going to the army Proyecto, borrador
Drape/I help her mama drape a piece of cloth Cubrir, vestir a…
Drawers Calzoncillos, bragas, Cajones
Drowsy Soñoliento
Duck/I duck into my room Pato/Zambullirse en la habitación
Dumb Mudo, lerdo, sin palabras
Enhanced Mejorada
Exhilarating Estimulante
Fable Fábula
Fan/she start to fan herself Ventilador, secador, abanico, abanicar…
Feather Pluma
Fist Puño
Flyer/Announcement Marketing/Advertisement
Folks La gente
Fool Tonto
Forehead Frente, faz, aspecto
Frame up Ponerse en actitud
Fretting over something Preocupándose por algo
Fringe/ she is got a fringe Flequillo
Frown Fruncir el ceño, entrecejo
Furrow Surco, arruga
Furry/my heart begin to beat like furry Peludo
Furs/i see her there in furs/fur coat Pieles, abrigo de pieles
Fussing Quejarse
Gang Banda, pandilla
Gazing here and there/looking Mirando
Glance/she glance at him Mirada, vistazo, ojeada
Grace it/Bless it/she might grace it with a song Grace: adornar, honrar, gracia, elegancia..
Grim/dark and sad/the grim reaper:te toca y mueres Siniestro, macabra…
Grinning Sonriendo
Grits Sémola, granos molidos
Groan/he groan over holes in his sock. Gemido, lloriqueo,quejido..
Hardware/ military ware Ferretería/armamento
Haunting Obsesionante
Hazel Avellano
Heel tacón, canalla,talonear
Heretofore Hasta ahora
Hip Cadera
Hitch up/get it ready/hitch up the wagon, he said. Alzar, aupar, enganche
Hoe Azada, sacho/ sachar
Hog/pig Cerdo, puerco
Horn Cuerno, asta
How come it is sunnier in Spain tham in Britain?/How come my sking is white?tanned?/how come there are wars? How come you are pretier tham me? ¿Cómo es que……………???
Hum Tarareo, zumbido, murmullo
Hunt/hunt game Caza, cazar/juego de caza
Husband whore/ husband Mistress, prostitute Prostituta, puta, putear
Hush/ shut up/silence/ they hush silencio, silenciar, encubrir, callarse, hacer callar
Jaws Mandíbulas, Fauces, garra, boca
Jukejoint/play, party place Lugar de reunión para juegos, fiestas
Kin/dont even look like she kin to Nettie parientes, parentesco, familia…
Kitten/baby cat Gatito
Ladder Escalera, escala
Lavishly Pródigamente
Lean Apoyarse, inclinar
Lice/louse Piojo/piojos
Limp Cojera, cojear, claudicar…
Linen Lino, ropa, ropa de cama, hilo, mantelería…
Maid Criada, doncella
mean/ children are bright but they are mean/nasty mezquino, canallesco
Mice/mouse Ratón
Mope/Harpo mope Melancólico, estar deprimido, abatido
Mud Barro, lodo, fango
Mumble Mascullar, hablar entre dientes
Munching Comiendo
Mutter Murmurar, farfullar
Nappy Pañal, braga
Navy blue Azul marino
Nostrils Agujeros de la nariz
Oman/spirit Omán
Oneness Unidad, identidad, concordia
Orchestra Orquesta
Overalls/over all Buzo, ropa de trabajo, bata…
Parlor Salón, locutorio, recibidor
Patch Parche, mancha, remiendo
Pattern book Libro patrón, libro de muestras…
Patting/ pat somebody on the back Palmaditas
peek/peeking ojeada, mirar a hurtadillas..
Peg Pinza de ropa, percha, clavija
Perk up Animar,reponerse, entonar
Plaits/ her head in a mass of plaits Trenzas
Plow/Plowing Arado, tierra arada, arar, surcar
Pondering it Reflexionando sobre lo
Prankish girls/ naughty Travieso
Preface prólogo
Puzzle/Harpo puzzle by Shug/confuse Rompecabezas, enigma,acertijo, romperse la cabeza, desconcertar
Quilt Edredón, colcha
Racket Hacer ruído, ruído, Raqueta
Rag trapo, harapo, tomar el pelo a alguien…
Railing Barandilla, pasamanos
Raise Levantar, alzar, aumentar
Rattle Sonajero, maraca..
Razor Maquinilla de afeitar, navaja
Resemblance Parecido, semejanza
Rip Rasgón, rasgar, rasgarse
Roaches/cokroach Cucarachas
Rot/rots/rotten/with these rotten children/when an apple gets bad:it rots Podredumbre, putrefacción, pudrir..
Run off at the mouth so much Se le escapan las cosas, habla demasiado
Saga Saga
Sass Hablar con descaro
Scraps Residuos
Scuffs/scuff Desgastes/arrastrar, parte desgastada…
sew coser, encuadernar
Sharp/fast, exacto en tiempo/moving, he say, sharp Experto, fuerte, agudo..
She pity me/She feel sorry for me Sentir piedad
Shed Cubierto, cobertizo, barraca, perder, derramar
Shell/Shelling peas cáscara, caparazón, concha/ desgranar guisantes
Shingles Zona de matojos, Herpes
Shoot Disparar, arrojar, tirar
Sight to see/it is a sight to see Sight:Vista, avistar/Algo que hay que ver
SKinfolks Skin-Folks (gente de pueblo) piel de gente de pueblo..
Skull/head skeleton Cráneo, calavera
Slick Look/ an oil slick Mancha, capa, rápido, hábil, astuto..
Slit Abertura, hendidura, corte largo, cortar, rajar
Smack dab/straight into/i walked smack dab into the house Tortazo, tocar ligeramente
Smuggle in a file Contrabandear, entrar por contrabando
Snort Bufar, esnifar, bufido…
Snot Moco
Sort of Más o menos
Spiteful/she is not spiteful/you make a problem to yourself to make a problem for someone else Malévolo
Split grieta, división, partir…
Spool Carrete, bobina
Spring Primavera
Squeak/noise of a mouse Chirrido
Stagger/he stagger in Escalonar, tambaleo, modorra
Starch Almidón
Stout/ built-muscle Sólido, gordo, fornido
Stove Estufa, cocina, horno
Stringy Grasiento
Strip/ if you say anything they strip you Cinta, tira de papel/ deshacer, decapar/remove your clothes...
Struck Golpeado
Stuffing Relleno, borra
Stumble Tropezar, dar un traspié
Stutter Tartamudeo, tartamudear, balbucir
Swift Rápida
switch the traces on you/ change the role/she is going to switch the traces on you Cambiar, agitar, menear/ Switch:interruptor, aguja
Tagging along behind Siguiendo a alguien, pegado..
Tail cola, rabo, faldón…
Tape worm/worm that lives in the stomach and eats your food Gusano cinta
Tar Alquitrán
Tassles Borlas
The children were outside the room peeking through the cracks
Thread Hilo, enhebrar
Thump Ruido sordo, porrazo, golpear..
To choke/He start to choke me. Estrangular, ahogar..
To cuss/Cussing Discutir, con palabrotas…insultar
To faint/ i was going to faint Desmayarse
To Hold a grudge/She dont hold a grudge/to hold resentment Grudge: Rencor, envidiar
To spring/sprong/sprung Saltar, entrar en acción…
Torn Rasgado, estropeado
Trail along/Tagging along Camino a lo largo de/Marcado a lo largo
Tramp/dressing trampy Vagabundo
Trifling/frivoluos/ you are a trifling nigger Insignificante, frívolo
Troth Pía x comer los animales, fidelidad
Tune up Afinar, poner a punto
Under somebody thumb/she is under my daddy thumb Bajo el poder de alguien
undernourish/lack of vitamins Desnutridos
Waist Cintura, talle
Wander Deambular, vagar
Warden Guardianes
Wave/wave to the children/moving the hand saying hello Onda, ola, ondear, agitar
Well Bueno
Whip/to whip/he did whip me a little bit too Látigo/para azotar…
Whirling/Spinning around/my mind whirling Girando
Whistle Silbato, silbido, silbar, pitar
Wig Peluca
Wiggle/a worm wiggles forward Menear, menearse
Wild Salvaje
Will power/He is strong in body but weak in will Fuerza de voluntad
You need will power to do anything/mind power/i dont have the will power to stop smoking/i have lost the will to live
Witch hazel/ natural herbal relaxant Olmo escocés
Wood madera, leña
Wrinkles Arrugas
Yawn Bostezo
The 1st English Reading Club in La Coruna was a success...Lets make an even better 2nd season!!! WELLCOME TO OUR CLUB!!! The English Reading Club is an innitiative that has been set up by the Miguel Gonzalez Garces library in La Coruña. This Blog shall allow all particpants (and others) to discuss the ideas discussed in the club in their own time. I welcome all suggestions, points of views and thoughts that will help mould the shape for the future of the The First English Reading Club in A Coruña.